Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Acheron - Sherrilyn Kenyon

I recently finished this one and I've got to say that it is absolutely my favorite book in the entire Dark-Hunter series. I blubbered my way all through Acheron's mortal life and when he received his godly powers and I thought he'd kick some ass, disaster, thank you Artemis, strikes and he dies.

I liked his heroine a lot. She was perfect for him. I knew she's do the right thing at the conference with what Artemis gave her. I really liked that she got up in Artie's face. There could have been more of that, but I suppose it's more mature the way it was. *shrug*

I got a kick out of the Hades scene and Apollimy rocked! Raining kick ass all over the Atlantean gods. Were I her, however, her sister would have died much more slowly for what she knowingly did to little baby Apostolos, her own nephew! Slow, painful, humiliating and as degrading as possible. She'd deserved whatever she got. Maybe eternal torment instead of death? I joke with my husband about getting a t-shirt for our daughter that says "Katastrafia Megola" across the chest. Because she so totally is. This comic says it all.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Katie MacAlister

She's one of the few authors who's work I read almost all of. I say almost because I haven't read her latest Aisling Gray and I don't know if I will. I've read the first of the new silver dragons and recently picked up the second, which I'm only a few chapters into, because I liked Gabriel and I want to like this spin off. The thing is that so far it's reading pretty much like Aisling Gray. At least in the things that annoyed me about it. You think things are improving and then something else goes down wrong and the leads end up apart or the heroine ends up in deeper than before at the end of the book. Instead of feeling satisfied at the end of each book I feel like I've been left hanging and that I'm being strung along. I don't like that feeling and if it goes on too long I get turned off of a series. That's why I lost interest in Aisling.

Now you're probably thinking that this probably applies to most series, but it actually doesn't happen very often. It's the cliffhanger feel that the endings have to them that turns me off. It makes me feel like the characters are right were they were when I started the book. It's very unsatisfying. Maybe it's just that her writing style doesn't lend itself well to this style? I lover Dark Ones and her non-serials, but these dragon ones are giving me a hard time.

Am I a sucker for even trying to get into the silver dragons series?

Thursday, July 3, 2008


I'll post about individual books at a later date, but I just wanted to post about the fact that I've started reading her Buchanan books. I'm reading them in order and am currently on Murder List.

I really liked that John Paul got his own story, even though I thought it sad that Monk should come to such a pathetic end. I really wanted him to find out the truth about Jilly, take care of her himself and then disappear into the mist.

Maybe it's wrong, but I could sympathize with Monk in a way and I hated that he went out the way he did. He got played and died a fool for the love of a woman incapable of love.

Monday, June 23, 2008

What a pain!

My blogger account disappeared so I'm going to have to start anew. Maybe this time I will be more constant in my efforts.